Damman Gift Set Boule Noel A Paris

14.75 inc VAT

Christmas ball to hang on the tree. filled with 10 crystal sachets Black tea flavored with cherry, gingerbread and almond.

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    SKU: 305001638 Category: 2 ,
    Weight1.000 kg
    Brand DetailsDistributed by: KAFEA CYPRUS LIMITED
    Telephone: +357 24 645645
    DisclaimerDisclaimer: Customers are advised to check product packaging for nutritional information and allergen warnings before consumption, as product information is subject to change after publication. You should always read the product label to ensure you are following the most up-to-date information. This is especially important if you have an allergy or intolerance. Allergen information can be found highlighted in the ingredients list on the back of pack.
    Damman Gift Set Boule Noel A Paris
    14.75 inc VAT